Thursday, June 05, 2008

Natural dyeing with Barglar recipe

I have been corresponding with a gentleman in England who found my article online about a dye recipe using green leaves (Barglar) and onion skins that I learned while working with Uzbekistan dyers a few years ago.

From the left are the results of the Barglar recipe on sheep's wool, spun wool and cotton and then a 2nd and 3rd dyebath from the same recipe. In the center is a walking stick, hand-carved that the Englishman purchased in Khiva on a visit. Beautiful! To the right of the stick are skeins and sheep's wool dyed with madder root.
You may read my entire article including the recipe a entitled "The Silk Threads of Khiva". Search in the Archives section on the left sidebar. Vol 13, Issue 1.


  1. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Nancy, what fabulous color! You're becoming quite an international figure.

    Just think, I can say I knew you when....and we made jelly together.


  2. Great article and colors!

  3. What fabulous Colour results, i just dicovered your blog and the information about the turkeyredjournal, thank you, very interesting. I am dying my wool for about 25 years and every day a learn more about it. many greatings from germany north of the capital berlin. Anke

    1. Thank you Anke! And yes, there is no end to the learning. That is the spice of life in the dyepot.
