Tuesday, November 27, 2012

this is it!

There is an enormous sale this weekend at 
Long Ridge Farm
116 Paine Rd, Westmoreland, NH 

10-4PM Saturday and Sunday, December 1st & 2nd.
Come celebrate my birthday and take advantage of great savings!

 Included are spinning fibers, pre-felt, raw fleece,
closeout yarns from the farm, naturally dyed,
sourced yarns from Rowan, Brown Sheep and more,
 books, project bags, fiber equipment,
naturally-dyed tagua nut buttons,
rug hooking, spinning and knitting notions
and more....
much is new, most at 50% off.

Plus naturally dyed scarves, scrumptious leather
and special yarns.... 

This is the place to shop...
for holiday gifts or self-indulgence.
I am in the mood and afterall it's my
birthday....swing by!


  1. why isn't long ridge about four hours closer??? happy birthday, nancy, from me, on my sag day!

    1. wouldn't be grand, Velma, for many reasons!

  2. KnittingKittens7:34 AM

    Happy Birthday to Ewe! Happy Birthday to Ewe!
    Enjoy your special day!
