Fieldwork with India Flint
Date: August 22-26, 2011
Cost: $700(day class only), initial deposit $300 (includes $50 non-refundable) upon registration, balance due 6/01/2011. Credit card required with initial registration.
Contact: longridge@myfairpoint.net
Where: Long Ridge Farm, Westmoreland, NH 03467 USA
Lunch: Catered each day and paid by the student
Working with bio-regional dye sources and gentle stitching during an explorative journey in stitch and colour.

In our ‘fieldwork’ we will colour cloth using very simple ingredients; leaves, water and heat. We will work with bio-regional dye sources, windfall bundle dyeing techniques and gentle meditative stitching. Together we shall take windfall-leaf collecting walks to gather material and supplement the harvest with green waste from the florist as well as discards from the green grocer. During the class we will create beautiful dye samplers, gradually piecing them together to construct the foundation of an exquisite composite textile that may be used as a practical plant dye reference. We will harness the effects of scrap metals, different waters and other easily sourced ingredients to influence dye outcomes as well as discussing a range of methods for plant dye application.

What a Beautiful Colors! all the shades of Green say SPRING (which has finally arrived in force in our area:) ~ m.