Recapping the past 10 days.....
First, the Ct Sheep and Wool Festival last weekend was a great show as always. We had beautiful weather, not too hot but lots of sun. As I drove home Saturday night I reflected on the day and was happy. It is an incredible amount of work but always the reward is meeting fiber lovers and dear friends, some who I only see a handful of days each year. As always it was great to visit with
Manise and to meet so many new people as well. There is nothing quite like doing what you love and be able to share it with others.
On the farm front it's calmed down a bit. I settled on the names for the lambs, finally. It takes time to get to know them! So here's Griffin. His name was an instant yes.

He's so cool. He loves everyone and I can scratch his chest and within a few minutes he just lays down and schmoozes. Of course I will have to wether him as I have been way to sweet on him and if he remained an intact ram, I'd have a mess on my hands. But he was slated for a wether from the get go!

And this is Magnolia, Maggie for short, hanging under her mom, Della. Smart little ewe, it was actually sprinkling rain and she knew how to get undercover!

And this is Austin with his mom, Bea! Thank you
Sam for the great suggestion. He is such an Austin type. I am not spoiling him as he will be sold and should someone want to keep him for a ram he will be perfect. Strong bodied and handsome.

And then there is Lily. I originally chose Phoenix but she has grown into a Lily. Lily is a town in Georgia so I was delighted to crown her with the name! Here she was at 4 days old, weighing about 7 pounds, right in the swing of bottle feedings.

And a week later she gained 5 pounds and is thrifty as can be! You can see how her belly has rounded out. She is one lovely little ewe, Della loves her just fine and cares for and protects her so it is a blessing all we have to do is provide the food.

It is taking a small toll on our sleep as we get the last bottle to her at 11PM and the first at 5AM, not to mention not being able to leave the farm for more than 4 hours at a time, but that will ease up as she grows and turns to more grain and green grass.
We moved Bianca, the hen, into the barn with the lambing group as we have a new flock of chicks now.

We made her a roost and she actually loves her post. She made a nest in the hay bales and each morning by 8AM she has laid her egg and is off and running for the day. She comes and goes as she pleases. Come night fall we make sure she is in the barn and tucked in with the flock. It was a long winter for her as the lone hen here and I trust in time she'll be happy to have some new hen friends. I have to say, Bianca is unique. She walks with us around the farm and joins us as we work on projects. She is so personable and cool.

The chicks are in the hen house and will learn to come and go from there once they are old enough. Here they are the first day while we got them adjusted. I put a small plate in their box and they all fit on it! A week later they are already showing wing feathers and flitting around their domain.

At the studio color is continually being poured on fibers and I have a great group of four-legged friends to help me! Kalie guards the door on the roadside while Sidney and Luna man the dyepots. Right....

Today we celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary with Faith and Derek here at the farm. A wonderful start to a new year together.
The NH Sheep and Wool Festival is coming up this weekend and I am wrapping up the preparations this week and look forward to being part of this great New England festival! Hope to see you there!