Rhinebeck, as always, was incredible. We had awful weather on Friday for the trip out with driving wind and rain but the storm passed in the evening and the weekend, although cool on Saturday, was just perfect. I didn't get out of my booth at all on Saturday. Katie went out for some awesome fruit tarts for us as an afternoon treat but that was it! Needless to say, I didn't get a chance to take very many pictures.I heard from the main office at the fairgrounds that the preliminary head count for Saturday by 4PM was 16,000 and that is more than they have had in any two days in the past. There were a LOT of folks there! I didn
This is a partial view of my booth on Sunday morning before the opening...forgot to get the beginning photos so by this time the stock was gone on a number of yarns.

A beautiful baby and mom....

Here's Katie, my helper and shepherdess on the farm, on the left with a wonderful woman who came to shop with us. We had a great time! She sported one of my Tribal Tiaras that I offered for sale. They make you feel free and offbeat while all the time reigning your kingdom!

Feeling free and happy!

These two ladies stopped by having brought these beautiful brooms from a man who makes them right at the show. Apparently they will last for years and he even suggests leaving the rubber band around the bristles to keep the broom from sloping to the side eventually. That was a new idea to me, but makes sense. These gals swear by these brooms and covet them as do many of his customers. Check him out at Lone Oak Brooms in this
youtube video!

The fall colors were spectacular!

Another tiara being sported!

The end of the day Saturday Katie and I passed through the livestock barns on our way to dinner. This dear sheep was so tucked she never even woke up while I watched her.

This ewe was quite the heart throb. When we came upon her she was baaaing away. It was dinner time but she hadn't had her hay yet and so we spent some time just loving her up and whispering sweet nothings in her ear. She was a real schmooze. When we left her I turned back and she had bedded down and was chewing cud. Sheep whisperers?

And always the wonderful music from Peru....you can hear it
This woman happened to come by as Katie and I were leaving for the evening Saturday and danced to their music....quite a sight, a number of children joined in, all of it unrehearsed.

Another cute-as-a-bug baby who stopped to shop with his dad.

As Katie and I finished loaded on Sunday night and headed out I looked over to my left and this dog caught my eye. Looks like he is ready to go home!

I want to thank all of you who came to visit this year. It is what makes the show worthwhile for all of the weeks and months of preparation. My new line of yarns has hit the ground running and I so appreciate the enormous round of compliments and purchases you gave.
On another note, there will be a final show in New England and you can check it out
here in case you need yet another fiber fix before the snow flies! I'll be there in booth 463E.